18 x 24 Final Poster

Do-do-do, clap your hands, clap your hands - Chic
For those of you who have been following my blog, you will likely remember my 70's themed posts from a few weeks ago titled 'Oh So 70's' and 'Disco In Repeat'. They were all done in preparation for our final Joe Denaro poster project. When I was searching through my multitude of references, I fell in love with this image of a beautiful woman and her gigantic hair. It became the foundation of my poster design and the afro turned into my disco ball dance scene.
I love how the color took to the paper. It gives off that smokey studio 54 vibe I was desperately trying to achieve. I thought I would share that this was the first painting in a long while where I actually stopped and savoured how much I love doing what I'm doing. Sometimes the pressure of delivering completely erodes my innate passion for producing art. But being able to share this with all of you has brought new meaning to my work. I'm reminded that there is room for all of us. Enjoy!!